Friday, November 22, 2019


Starring: Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Chris Cooper, Susan Kelechi Watson and Maryann Plunkett
Running Time: 1 Hour and 48 Minutes

I have to admit I was a little confused why there was another Mister Rogers movie being released after the documentary movie, “Mister Rogers: It’s You I Like” was just out last year.
Now I can say, these two movies are completely different! Last years documentary was more of a tribute to the TV series.
This new movie “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood” is based on a true and very touching story. Tom Hanks stars as  the infamous Mr. Fred Rogers and plays him masterfully!
When Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys) is assigned to do an expose on Mr. Rogers, he is what you might say, a little less than excited. As he reluctantly sets out on this new and challenging assignment he finds out a lot more than he ever dreamed of!
This movie ends up being a lot more about Lloyd’s past and his personal relationship with his own father Jerry Vogel (Chris Cooper). Lloyd is very uncomfortable with Mr. Rogers discussing and opening up a can of ancient worms that he would rather forget!
This movie is a heartwarming and beautiful story of the true and sincere person that Fred Rogers really was! He was honestly kind and dear to everyone. He formed such a personal bond with Lloyd Vogel and helped him to overcome his anger and his hang-ups.
The relationships in this movie are all very special and will touch your soul! This is a movie that will stay with you and I think everyone will find something in this movie that they can relate too.
I was impressed with all of the acting and I enjoyed seeing a cameo of the real Joanne Rogers.
Tom Hanks did an exceptional job as Mr. Rogers and I hope he will be nominated for a Best Actor Award.
Parents be advised: This movie is rated PG. It is rated this for a reason, because it deals with real life drama and realistic situations. This is not a movie for children, don’t be misled by the Mr. Rogers association. There is no profanity or sexual innuendo, just adult subject matter.
I am giving “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood” four bags of popcorn.

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