Friday, November 18, 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Starring: Robert Pattinson,Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner
1 Hour and 48 Minutes

Ok-here we go again! The last movie Eclipse, left off where Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristin Stewart) have decided to get married. So, that is where Breaking Dawn begins. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and Bella looked as radiant and gorgeous as any bride could hope to look on her wedding day. Edward looked dashing and seemed to be happy and excited as well. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) showed up and Bella spent some private time with him thrilled that he would come and see her on her special day. It was absolutely picture perfect. Then they left for their honeymoon. Edward whisked her off on a private jet to Brazil where they honeymooned on the Cullen family's private island escape.
It was a spectacular, romantic setting and things were a little awkward for the new bride Bella.
They consummated their marriage and with Edwards vampire strength, he broke the headboard on the bed. She also had some bruises on her body as well.
She immediately became pregnant (which was not suppose to happen, Edward was not suppose to be able to father any children because he is a vampire).
When Jacob became aware of the pregnancy, he was furious and went to the Cullen home and confronted all of the Cullen's. Bella reassured him she wanted the baby and for everyone to please accept it.
The pregnancy was very fast and taking every ounce of nourishment from Bella. She was starving and they came to the conclusion that she needed to drink blood (and a lot of it) to stay alive and also keep the baby alive. Bella became stick thin and very sickly! The baby was breaking her ribs from the inside out and she was very weak.
When she went into labor Jacob was also there and he helped Edward to deliver the baby. They had to perform an emergency C-section on her. This was a really graphic scene that went on for a long time. There was a lot of blood and it was hard to watch. Edward kept shaking her trying to get her to wake up. They were able to save the baby. Jacob went and saw the baby and he imprinted on the baby! Bella went unconscious and basically died. The only way for her to stay alive was for Edward to bite her all over and transform her into a vampire. Jacob was devastated and the wolves (Jacobs brotherhood) came to get and kill the baby. They had a big confrontation with the Cullen's and finally honored Jacobs wishes to leave them in peace.
After a long time, Bella finally woke up looking beautiful and healthy and had the standard vampire eyes that the vampires are known for.
This movie was extremely intense! This is definitely adult material. I know that a lot of young girls will want to see this movie, but I advise parents strongly that it is very graphic and intimidating. It made me squeamish and feeling a little overwhelmed. There was a lot of sensuality, brief nudity and sex, violence and a graphic C-section scene.
It definitely deserves its PG-13 rating! I would recommend it for youth 13 and over.
I am giving " Breaking Dawn part 1" two and a half bags of popcorn!

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