Starring: Nicholas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman and Clark Duke.
Running Time: 1 Hour and 38 Minutes
This is a story about a family that takes place in the caveman era. They are one of the only remaining cave families that have managed to survive during this very predatory time. This family consists of the very protective father Grug (Nicholas Cage), the mother Ugga (Catherine Keener), the grandmother Gran (Cloris Leachman), daughter Eep (Emma Stone), son Thunk (Clark Duke) and Guy (Ryan Reynolds).
Grug is trying with every fiber of his being just to keep his family safe, fed and alive which is very difficult with so many outside influences trying to attack and devour them constantly!
They have a cave where they live and stay for weeks on end when they are being pursued. When they finally get an opportunity to venture out of the cave and hunt for food, it is always a fiasco!
They encounter every kind of enemy that you can possibly imagine. Every living creature tries desperately to confuse and stalk them into being their next meal!
Grug is very protective and is constantly trying to fend for his family, but his daughter Eep is fiercely independent and is growing weary of their lifestyle. She is tired of constantly living and staying inside the cave. She yearns for sunlight and wants her freedom. One night she sees a light outside of their cave and slides through the small opening and runs after it. She discovers a torch that is lit with a small fire! She is very intrigued by this and then discovers a young caveman Guy, who invented this fire! When Grug discovers she is gone he goes out and searches for her. He finds her and brings her back.
After their cave is destroyed when the earth moves, they are forced to leave and find a new residence. Once again they are up against all the odds.
They encounter Guy, the young caveman again and after struggling to befriend him, Grug finally accepts him and allows him to stay with their family. He finds out that Guy is full of new ideas that can benefit and help them out. Grug becomes impatient and upset with himself and feels that he has no ideas and nothing new to offer his family.
Once again, they encounter all kinds of calamities and hardships, but they stay together through thick and thin because of their great love for one another!
The father and daughter finally come to terms with their relationship and discover they have a bond that cannot be broke!
This was a beautifully animated movie! The colors are rich and vibrant, the scenery is lush with vegetation.
It was a sweet story of love and commitment and family togetherness. I felt like they were somewhat mocking the father and making him look a little bit unstable, I also got tired of the innuendos of the father wanting the grandmother to die.
Overall, I feel like this is a movie that children age five and over will enjoy, they will get a kick out of the story and all of the unique characters. Some of the characters are a little intimidating, but not anything that will really scare them.
I am giving "The Croods" two and a half bags of popcorn!
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